Six-passenger golf carts are a great option for larger groups. The high seating capacity offers enough room to fit people, cargo, or a combination of the two. Keep reading to discover the perks of these spacious models, then visit Dever Golf Car Sales to explore six-passenger golf carts for sale. Our dealership is based in Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky.

Enjoy Leisure Activities


The first benefit of a six-passenger golf cart, of course, is using it at the golf course! With the higher passenger capacity, it's easier to bring along more friends. Fit the entire group in one vehicle, rather than needing to split up and take separate vehicles. It's one way to boost the golfing excursion.

Navigating The Neighborhood

Six-passenger golf carts can also be used to shuttle your family around the neighborhood. Maybe your neighbor is throwing a barbecue. Instead of taking your gas-guzzling car, gather everyone up into the golf cart. There's enough space to fit everyone - and any contributions you bring to the potluck.

Explore Nature

It's easy to tweak the six-passenger golf cart to handle off-road routes. Simply install a lift kit and all-terrain tires, then the vehicle will be ready for adventure. Maybe you want to get your buddies together and head out on a fishing trip. Maybe you want to enjoy a serene drive along the beach. A six-passenger golf cart allows you to enjoy nature with friends or family.

Make Work Easier

A six-passenger golf cart offers enough space to be a useful addition at work. College administrators can quickly head to the far reaches of campus for the next meeting. Retirement home workers can safely transport residents around the property. Landscaping professionals can transport tools and materials to the work site. These are just a few ways that the spacious layout of six-passenger golf carts can be an asset for professional tasks.

Enjoy The Affordability Of Six-Passenger Golf Carts

Yes, six-passenger golf carts tend to cost more than smaller capacity models. But they are often much more affordable than people expect! Plus, there are ways to get even more budget-friendly pricing, such as:

  • Shopping during the off-season when golf cart dealerships offer better deals.
  • Getting a new golf cart, but of an older year.
  • Buying a used model.

Plus, golf carts use less gas than commuter vehicles. Whenever you use a golf cart instead of a car, you save money on fuel.

Ready to shop six-passenger golf carts for sale? Check out the selection at Dever Golf Car Sales. Our friendly staff is on hand to answer questions and keep the shopping process easy. We also offer golf car rentals and golf car repair. Whatever you need, you'll find at our dealership. We are located in Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky.