Whether you’re headed to the fairway or you’re just looking for some comfortable and compact transportation, a golf cart can elevate any experience. But first you have to answer the age-old question: do you want to buy one, or rent one? We here at Dever Golf Car Sales know you’re busy, so we’ve put together some reasons for both to help you decide which suits you best! If you want to know more, or you’re just ready to see our inventory of golf carts, contact our stores in Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky, today!

Why Rent?

1: Save Money

The most obvious immediate benefit to renting is the savings. Buying a golf cart can cost a pretty penny, but renting one for your trip will be a fraction of the price. This way you get what you need when you need it at a price you can love!

2: High-Tech Rides

When you rent, you’re probably getting access to models that are only a year or two old, or younger! These will have the latest innovations and technologies to make your ride as comfortable and luxurious as possible. That means better fuel efficiency, more safety features, and much more.

3: Less Maintenance

Owning a vehicle means taking care of it, like keeping up with licensing, registration, maintenance, and more. Renting means you aren’t responsible for the long-term care of the golf cart, saving you even more money and time.

4: Test Drives

If you don’t know quite what you’re looking for in a golf car, renting can let you test the waters, so to speak. That way you can explore any specific models you’re interested in and see how they feel, perform, and fit.

Why Buy?

1: Long-Term Or Frequent Use

On the other hand, if you plan to use the golf cart a lot or for a long time, it can actually save you money to have your own rather than rent one over and over.

2: More Control

Owning a golf cart means no leasing agreement, so minor damage or maintenance won’t cost you an arm and a leg in fines. You also won’t need to worry about mileage and parking it with a full tank of gas, outside of the normal reasons to do so.

3: Flexibility

Moreover, if you rent a golf cart for a long time, many leasing agreements will stick you with the initial model until the term is over. Purchasing a golf cart means you’re free to use it when and how you want, and you can sell it whenever you like! Getting rid of a golf cart that isn’t working out can be much easier if it’s yours to begin with.

We hope this guide helps you grab the golf cart you need! For the prices you want, stop by Dever Golf Car Sales. We proudly serve the people of Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky—let us serve you today!