Golf Cart Troubleshooting Tips
When your golf cart starts acting up, that’s a problem. If you go to use it and find that it’s not starting, then you need to determine what is happening so you can fix it and get your cart functioning again. The problem will differ depending on the type of cart you have: electric or gas.
Dever Golf Car Sales is your Kentucky golf cart dealer, with locations serving Lexington and Louisville. Below, you’ll find some helpful tips to figure out what’s going on with your golf cart, whether it’s gas or electric.
Gas Golf Carts
There are a few engine issues that may cause your gas golf cart to fail to start.
Check Fuses
This simple little part can cause plenty of big problems. If your cart isn’t starting, check the inside panel to find your golf cart’s fuses and look at their ratings. Test each fuse to see if it’s blown. A fuse replacement should fix the issue.
Dead Battery
Your gas golf cart still uses a battery, like the engine of your car does, and if you’ve ever had the battery in your car die, then you’ve experienced the failure of its engine to turn over. This same thing can happen to your golf cart’s battery if the cart has been in storage for a long time, since batteries in gas engines need to be charged up through driving. A jump or replacement may be in order.
Ignition/Key Switch
Check the key switch of your golf cart if it isn’t starting, as this part can wear out with time. Find the ignition wire to check for corrosion at both ends and make sure it’s connected tightly. Sometimes, you can clean the terminal and this will fix the issue.
Electric Golf Carts
With an electric golf cart, you don’t have to deal with a combustion engine, but you do need a functional battery.
Check Battery
Your electric golf cart runs on a battery and this component can wear out with time, requiring replacement. Signs that your battery is near replacement include bulging sides, leaking acid and cracks. Test your battery using a multimeter and if it isn’t showing any of those signs and seems to be holding a charge, then there may be something else going on.
Battery Drain
The battery may be draining at an abnormally fast rate, causing the cart to fail to start. Disconnect the negative battery cable wire and connect it to your multimeter. If you’re still getting a reading from this wire after everything else is off, then there’s a fault in your electrical system that’s causing the battery to drain.
Need some professional assistance in servicing your golf cart? Get in touch with the service department here at Dever Golf Car Sales. Our mechanics will be more than happy to take a look at whatever’s going on and help you out.
Looking to buy a new cart? Stop by our dealerships in Kentucky to check out our wide stock of new and used golf carts for sale. Dever Golf Car Sales welcomes all our Kentucky customers coming from Lexington and Louisville.